ABC Announcements

And Reminders

  • Y.A.W.N.

    Young adult worship/game nights are back!  They will occur every 2nd Friday from 6-9pm in the gym until further notice. 

bright ideas?

If you would like to use our facility or have an idea for ministry, please submit your request and share your plan with us by filling out this form!

This Week at ABC:

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

how you can help!

  • We need teachers and helpers in this important ministry.   CONTACT:  

    SANDY ALLEN at 281-380-7128

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  • Youth and adults are invited to help MAKE COFFEE AND SET UP THE COMMUNION TABLES on sunday mornings 

    If you are interested please Contact: 

    Rachel Feist at 281-728-1815

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  • We are looking for smiling faces to help welcome new visitors and show them around. youth welcome to help also.

    If you  would like more information, please EMAIL ME

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  • We are going to Honduras March 7th-14th! If you are interested in joining us or sponsoring a missionary please email us at OFFICE@ABCBAYTOWN.ORG

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